"Who's got the button" 16 x 20 matted. This old button box has been hanging around here for years, I passed it one day and suddenly had to paint it, it just happens that way sometimes.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Another experiment on yupo paper Fun but messy!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
"Florida Grown" Painted on 300 lb. arches paper, not the typical paper I use but it is very forgiving to abuse. I was unhappy half way through this painting so I dipped the entire sheet in a tub of water reactivated the paint and went back in with a large brush, what a difference taking that chance made! It ended up being quite successful and even made it into a National show. My life long friend now displays it in her home.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
"Five Onions" I started this one a little different glazing the shadows first then painted the onions, it came out o.k. I need a little work at this new method.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
"Grandmothers Silver" size 16 x 20 matted. Thanks to Joan for bringing this silver teapot into class.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
It was a very busy weekend, went to a demo on Sat. and Opening on Sun. time for painting but no new painting to show, just this one from the past and already SOLD. It did however take 1st prize in the RIWS members show.
Friday, May 14, 2010
One of my favorite still lifes ever.
"Onions" watercolor matted measures 16 x 20. I think we will paint some more of these beauties in watercolor painting class next week.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
"Underwater Beauties" More Yupo paper for this one. Happy to report this just won 2nd place at thePost Road Arts Center as well as Peoples Choice and "Excellence in Watercolor" at the North Shore Art Assoc. I just wet the entire paper with water and wet on wet painted in the shapes letting the paint move. Then with watercolor crayons enhanced the shapes left. SOLD
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Another sweet one the girls and I did in class. This is a 16 x 20 finished size matted.
Monday, May 10, 2010
"Sunning Sedum" This was a challenge trying to capute the light and feeling of warmth. I've been in the garden every day for the past week, all the annuals are in and they will surely brighten up the patio this summer. Matted this painting is 12.5" x 18"
Sunday, May 9, 2010
From a photo of Hong Kong is the watercolor entitled "Organized Caos" This one's for you Judith
Saturday, May 8, 2010
O.K. This was a tough one. I took this photo on Federal Hill in Providence. I was looking out the window of a well known pasta shop and got yelled at for taking pictures! Anyway, drawing it, painting it, I don't know what gave me the most trouble, but in the end I think the painting came out great. Juried into the 2010 RIWS National Show.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Here is an experimental watercolor piece on yupo paper. Paint was poured after applying web filament and lots of water. So fun to create, a little messy though!
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
"Enter Here" Painted on Brisol Plate paper. This little painting was something I did for a Juried Theme show that I was not excepted into, Oh well.
I exhibited it in the Next Door Gallery and it was well received. I am thankful to report it just SOLD to a long time friend.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
"Hong Kong Lights" I took this picture while in Hong Kong on vacation last April. There was a booth selling them down an alley. The colors were crazy! It was a pretty challenging picture to paint. SOLD
I am a New England watercolor artist. I began painting in 1997 and enjoy painting everyday.I work on both Arches cold and hot pressed paper and yupo paper. I enjoy showing my work in local galleries and juried shows. When I am not painting I'm either gardening or painting old furniture.
I hope you enjoy my work and I welcome your comments.
If you are interested in any of my work or have a question please email me @donna.maclure@gmail.com .Prints of some of my work can be purchased at www.fineartamerica.com